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Who Is Eligible for a Smile Makeover

Who Is Eligible for a Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover is a cosmetic dental procedure involving multiple treatments to improve the appearance of your smile. It may involve one or more procedures such as veneers, crowns, braces, teeth whitening, reshaping of gums, and bonding. An experienced dentist can bring out the best features in your smile and help you attain a beautiful smile. So who is eligible for a smile makeover?

Eligibility Requirements

The first step to determining eligibility for a smile makeover procedure is to complete an examination by a qualified and experienced dentist. Your dentist will review your medical history and assess your current oral health status to determine if smile makeover procedures are right for you.


Depending on the smile makeover procedure chosen, age may be a determining factor in eligibility for treatment. For example, porcelain veneers or dental implants typically require patients to be 18 years of age or older due to the complexity and permanency of the procedure. Invisalign also requires some maturity and is not recommended for young children who have yet to complete their permanent teeth growth.

Medical History

Patients with a history of gum disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases or other chronic illnesses may need additional testing before undergoing smile makeover treatments due to the potential risks associated with their medical condition. Other health issues, such as bruxism (teeth grinding), may also impact eligibility for smile makeover procedures.

Current Oral Health Status

Your dentist will assess your current oral health status and determine if smile makeover treatments are right for you. This assessment includes an evaluation of the condition of your teeth, gums, jawbone structure and bite alignment. Patients with severe cavities or gum disease may need to complete restorative treatment before smile makeover procedures can be completed. Smile makeovers involve multiple cosmetic dental procedures that can bring out the best features in your smile and help you attain a beautiful smile. Eligibility for a smile makeover is determined based on individual factors such as age, medical history, and current oral health status. An experienced dentist near you can help you determine if smile makeover procedures are right for you and provide the treatment needed to achieve your desired smile.


Q: Are smile makeovers permanent?

A: The results of a smile makeover can be long-lasting depending on the type of treatments used and how well you care for your smile after the procedure.

Q: How much does a smile makeover cost?

A: Costs vary depending on the type of treatments used and the complexity of your smile makeover plan. Your dentist will discuss all costs associated with smile makeover treatments during your consultation appointment.

Q: Is there an age limit for smile makeovers?

A:Smile makeovers may be limited to adults ages 18 and over, depending on the type of procedures chosen. Invisalign is not recommended for young children who have yet to complete their permanent teeth growth.